"I find myself thinking more about my students' needs, the space that I am providing for them, the choices I allow them to make before creating the lessons, before choosing the mediums, the ties to art history… "(PA, email communication, 3/2014).
"This shift [to incorporate visual culture] is something new. I have already noticed that I have started analyzing my lessons/curriculum and how it will effect [sic] my students. It is no longer about the medium, the end result, or the technique, but the content and relating it to my specific student body." (PA, visual journal reflection, 3/2014). |
"Today I read Paul Duncum's 2008 article, Thinking critically about critical thinking: Towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for visual culture. He encourages art educators to adopt Bakhtin's notion of dialogue when we engage students in critical deconstruction of visual culture. Have I, in the interests of transforming students consciousness and confronting the myriad ills of society, asked students to critically deconstruct visual culture as a way to foist my beliefs onto them? It is a heavy question. And have I repeated that now in the work I am engaging in with the pre-service teachers? Where is the line between teaching, empowering, and inculcating? I feel like I've been hit with a cold pail of water; I am confronted with the reality that unless I am inviting their voices, [and examine the way in which I use my power to invite voice] I am contributing to the problem. (PI, reflective journal 2/2014).
"One of the barriers to the implementation of dialogic teaching is the dominance of the teacher's voice at the expense of students' own meaning-making voices. The power relationship between teachers and learners is a stumbling block to genuine dialogue in classroom settings." (Lyle, 2008, p. 227).
Lyle, S. (2008). Dialogic teaching: Discussing theoretical context and reviewing evidence from classroom practice. Language & Education, 22(3), 222-240.
Lyle, S. (2008). Dialogic teaching: Discussing theoretical context and reviewing evidence from classroom practice. Language & Education, 22(3), 222-240.